
Future Biotechnologists

Paul Nash has become a trustee of the Biotechmet/Future Biotechnologists charity, which enables schools to connect with organisations, research institutes, colleges and universities in the life science sector to arrange seminars, networking events, online and in person site visits, class visits by scientists, mentoring and internships. Future... [read more]
Posted: Wed, 22/05/2024 - 17:02
Picture of Prostate Cancer UK's Head Office Building

Research Innovation Awards

Paul Nash has been invited to become a member of Prostate Cancer UK's Patient Representative Network responsible for reviewing grant applications from research teams across the UK looking for funding to support their work to improve the outcomes for patients with prostate cancer. Patient and Public involvement is a vital part of all successful projects. It... [read more]
Posted: Mon, 29/04/2024 - 06:33
Paul along with other members of the winning team

We Are The Champions

On a very warm and sultry Thursday, 7th September 2023, at Shipley Golf Club near Bradford, for the fifth time of asking Paul Nash and Gilbert Scott of Stocksfield Golf Club took part in and won the Prostate Cancer UK Northern Region Championship. This invitational event, one of three held across the country, enables the charity to say thank you to golf... [read more]
Posted: Wed, 13/09/2023 - 09:38
Paul Parkin, Tom Younger, Paul Nash and Gilbert Scott at Shipley

Golf Championship

The photo shows Paul Parkin, Tom Younger, Paul Nash and Gilbert Scott holding a replica cheque for £3500, the amount raised from the tournament held at Alston Moor Golf Club on Friday 2nd September 2022. As a reward for their fundraising efforts they were invited by the Prostate Cancer UK golf team to attend one of their annual golf championships, held this... [read more]
Posted: Fri, 07/10/2022 - 14:51
Paul's picture


Paul Nash has just been appointed as the PPI (Patient & Public Involvement) rep on the steering group of this project which aims to provide evidence as to what is the best way of treating men with newly diagnosed advanced prostate cancer. Since opening in 2005 over 10,000 participants have joined the trial. We have already reported practice-changing... [read more]
Posted: Wed, 20/10/2021 - 16:12
Play2support logo

Stocksfield's Big Golf Race

On a windy and sometimes rain swept Friday 1st October, Gilbert Scott and Paul Nash took on Prostate Cancer UK's Big Golf Race to raise money for the charity. Between them Paul and Gilbert share 155yrs so a half marathon, two rounds in one day, is some challenge yet despite the conditions they managed it and put in some good scores. By the time all the Just... [read more]
Posted: Wed, 20/10/2021 - 12:15
Photo of winners and organisers

Alston Moor Pairs Open

At 1426ft Alston Moor Golf Club is at the mercy of the weather, which on Friday 24th September threatened a damp squib, however, although the cloud was low and threatening there was nothing more than the occasional burst of light drizzle coupled with a brisk wind. Clearly this was not enough to spoil the golf as more than 70 golfers, mainly club members,... [read more]
Posted: Tue, 28/09/2021 - 20:11
Four players standing on the first tee

Alston Raises over £3750 for Charity

For the second year in a row Alston Moor Golf Club has run an open pairs competition to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK. This is a small friendly club with no more than 80 members but in an isolated community such as Alston where everybody knows everybody else it is at the centre of what the town is about. In this atmosphere everyone wanted to help out so... [read more]
Posted: Tue, 28/09/2021 - 15:10
View across the course

Alston Moor Raises Over £1200

'I had never played the course before but having driven past many times, I knew the scenery would be stunning if the weather was good. Oh boy...were we lucky, wall-to-wall sunshine and a gentle breeze on a testing course in good condition. Couple this with a drive across and back through the 'shire', one of the most scenic routes around and the wonderful... [read more]
Posted: Sun, 20/09/2020 - 16:17
