About: Prostate Cancer UK

Who We Are

We were the first national organisation for prostate cancer in the UK. Our aim was to improve the care and welfare of those affected by prostate cancer, increase investment in research, and raise public and political awareness of a long-neglected disease.

We started small: five members of staff and with our helpline housed in a small room in Hammersmith hospital. It ran one day a week.

We merged with Prostate Action in 2012 and completely rebranded to form Prostate Cancer UK. In the last 20 years, we’ve invested over £37 million into ground breaking research, and continue to provide award-winning support for men.

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Risk checker

1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer. If you’re over 50, or you’re black, or your dad or brother had it, you’re at even higher risk. Prostate cancer is not always life-threatening. But when it is, the earlier you catch it the more likely it is to be cured.

Answer three quick questions to check your risk.

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