My Principles

Learning is more effective when we (learners)…

…know what we have to do
…understand why we are doing it
…see how and when we are going to be assessed
…have access to resources we can understand
…have time to develop appropriate skills
…have appropriate support from our teachers and others
…are interested in what we are doing
…have a variety of activities from which to choose
…are able to review our own progress
…have ownership of what we are doing

Learning is more effective when we (teachers)…

  • provide clear goals and targets
  • provide clear instructions
  • build on previous skills and knowledge
  • ensure learners have a clear perception of their targets
  • provide an environment conducive to learning
  • ensure easy access to appropriate resources
  • provide a variety of activities
  • encourage learner responsibility
  • encourage self-motivation and self-discipline
  • Quality4ALL
